Be Brave, Be Bold, Be Brilliant... Take Charge and Get Funded!
About three years ago, around late winter, I received a call from Laura Stevens*.
She was interested in learning how to write grants to transition into a new career as a grant writer because she had outgrown her current job.
However, she had difficulty finding anyone who would take her underneath their wings to teach her.
Around the same time, I received an email from Melissa Anderson*, who also wanted to become a professional grant writer and start her own business.
She eagerly asked me several questions about what it took to succeed in grant writing and how I got started. I shared my experience, and she sounded like she was going to step out and do it.
I recently had an opportunity to connect with Laura. I was excited to learn that she had left her old job and was doing exceptionally well in her new role as a grant writer for a small nonprofit in the Midwest.
Melissa, on the other hand, was working for the same employer. She was quite frustrated that she had not received a...
I'm amazed at how many organizations are doing grant development by the seat of their pants without any sense of structure. They go after grants in a help-hazardous manner without a grant development calendar and without a sense of which grants they will be applying to that month or the months to come.
Most grant writers underestimate the power of being strategic and highly organized in their grant-seeking efforts, especially those that are new to the field.
However, more seasoned grant writers use being organized to their advantage. There are a number of reasons for this.
1. Being organized saves you tremendous time.
2. It helps you to become more strategic in your efforts which increases your success.
3. It helps you to become more efficient in pursuing the right grants at the right time.
These are just a few reasons why I would strongly recommend you develop a grant development calendar today.
However, those who choose not to will find themselves lagging behind and...
If your organization is going to win the most grant money possible it MUST have a grant development team. PERIOD.
This is a team committed to raising funds through grants that understand the ins and outs of grant development that oversees the consistent execution of a well thought out grant development strategy.
The team doesn’t have to be large, however, it MUST meet on regular bases and have goals that it targeting.
The top officer within your organization should be the leader of this team.
Know more about our grant writing services and contact us.
One of the greatest discoveries that I've made in life is realizing that I didn't have to let things happen to me but that I was able to take matters into my OWN hands!
Yes, I discovered that life would GO IN THE DIRECTION that I chose for it to go IF I did ONE THING… yes, one thing.
I'll tell you more about that one thing in just a second, but for now let me tell you about a young lady name, Laura Stevens (name has been changed to protect her identity).
Laura recently approached me because she wanted to take matters into her own hands. She was sick and tired of working a job that was going nowhere and she felt like she was just existing.
Laura asked me for help.
Normally my busy schedule does not afford me the time nor the opportunity to talk to every individual one-on-one much about ways to...
Okay, I know what I'm about to say may be highly controversial… so BRACE yourself! I want to share with you what I really think about most Grant Writing Certifications.
Truthfully, I think most of them are a waste.
You heard me right… I said, “A WASTE!”
Now, I know what I just said is not going to get me nominated for any grant writing awards now or in the near future.
But, those aren’t important to me… besides, most of those are bias and are NOT given to those that are most deserving, rather those that are most self-serving for the organizations handing out the awards.
I often chuckle when I see awards being passed out to corporate sponsors... I guess the saying is true that you have to pay to play.
Well, there are a number of reasons. But, I’ll spare you of my full list because the partial list suffices.
However, before I tell you why I think most of today's grant...
Karen was SMART yet Unemployed.
And for someone who had always tried to plan her life out to the smallest details... this was the worst.
She wondered, "How could I spend so much on graduate school acquiring ALL of these special degrees and credentials and now find myself standing in the unemployment line?" This question and the emotions that came with it were making her sicker by the minute.
To make matters worse she had recently had dinner with one of her longtime girlfriends and learn that her son had just finished trade school and was getting ready to make twice what she had struggled to make on her last job.
With her bills stacking up faster and faster by the minute Karen needed to make a move.
But what?
She was too embarrassed to ask any of her employed friends if they knew of any job openings. Her pride kept her from going to the last job fair especially since her former employer had a table at the event. Going back to school at this stage only to get another...
She had no idea how she was going to start and grow her business and was mentally afraid to take the first step until... until... until she heard "four magical words" that helped to unlock her true potential… but more on this later.
On Monday, I visited one of my favorite places in California… the Huntington Library and Gardens.
I love going there because it is so beautiful and peaceful. This time I spoke with a tour guide name Bill to learn a little more about the Chinese Garden.
Bill, a peppered haired, wise man in his late 60s began to explain to me the difference between the Japanese and Chinese Garden. I must admit, both are quite serene and lovely.
He said that the Japanese Garden was designed to be “looked at” and “admired”…almost like viewing a beautiful painting.
However, the Chinese Garden was designed for “YOU to be in the picture… YOU are a part of the design!”
Wow! This really struck me when...
If the saying is true, "Seeing is believing," then it pays to have a grant writing portfolio.
Just think about it for a moment...
But, where do Grant Writers have their grant proposals?
Hidden away in some electronic files on their computer
No way! Please say this isn't so. If you are a grant professional you are well aware that grant writers can become very protective of the grant proposals they have developed.
However, there is no need to hide them from potential clients. Right?
There are a few reasons why you should have a portfolio:
We all have probably heard the old adage that rules are meant to be broken. However, this saying definitely does not hold true when it comes to the world of grant writing.
In fact, many funders say the number one reason that many grant proposals are rejected is that grant writers do not provide exactly what the funders are requesting. This may be a little frustrating especially if you are the type of person that likes to push the envelope as far as it will go hoping that it will not fall off the table.
But in the arena of writing and applying for grants this course of action can easily cause a grant proposal or application to be placed in the rejection pile.
This is another reminder of why it is so important to provide funders with exactly what they ask for.
Funders are not looking for "pushers" rather they are looking for "providers" who can follow instructions and give them the things that they are requesting.
Pushers are grant writers that submit a proposal...
If you are considering taking a grant writing online course you owe it to yourself to watch this short and informative video to help you discover the types of questions you should be asking an online grant writing course provider to ensure you get what you really want.
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