Be Brave, Be Bold, Be Brilliant... Take Charge and Get Funded!
Join me by watching this interview with our special guest Camille Ricks as she reaches her goal. She's the owner and founder of Ricks Creative Agency. Below is the transcription of our interview. Enjoy!
Rodney Walker: Hello, guys. Rodney Walker here of Grant Central USA and today, I'm excited to have a rock star who's doing some incredible things in the grant writing arena, none other than Miss Camille Ricks. Welcome, Camille.
Camille Ricks: Hello, Rodney. Thank you so much for inviting me here.
Rodney Walker: I'm so excited to have you here. And I'm excited about what's going on with you. I've been hearing some incredible things and I'm excited for our listeners to be able to get a chance to hear some of your stories. So tell me this,...
Here's a vlog I did today in the Grant Writing for Beginners series. The entire transcription is on this page with some additional resources to help you. Remember, we hall have to start somewhere, so just dive in and try the hacks I share in this and other post.
Hey guys, Rodney Walker here with Grant Central USA. Are you a grant writing beginner?
Yes, a newbie just starting out clueless, not sure what to do. Well, I got some good news for you. I want to help you by sharing with you a growth hack.
A growth hack to help you to write a grant like a grant writing rock star and get funded. I want to show you some things that you can do right now to start getting some strategies that will help you to win funding things that you can adapt and bring in...
Here's a vlog I did today! Here's the entire transcription on this page with some additional resources to help you.
Hello, my friend. Rodney Walker here! Grant Central USA. Thank you for joining me. Got some wonderful information to share with you. Just for a few minutes to help you along on your grant writing journey.
This episode of Get Funded with Rodney, is designed to help you if you've already been writing grants to do a more effective job, especially if you've done like I've done before, which is uhh, bam! Aww, flat on your face! Yes, I've been there. It's never a good feeling when you write a grant proposal the first time and then you fall flat on your face. ...
Join me by watching this interview with Elizabeth Starr. This educator had a desire to learn to write grant proposals for several years. I was honored to be able to help her accomplish her goal. Below is the transcription of our interview. Enjoy!
Rodney Walker Hi there, this is Rodney Walker of Get Funded with Rodney, and I'm super excited today to have a special guest. I'm happy to bring to you, Elizabeth Starr. Elizabeth just recently completed the Rising Star Grant Writing Coaching Program and the Trailblazer program. And I'm excited to bring her to you today. She's coming all the way from Toledo, Ohio. Welcome today, Miss Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Starr Thank you, Rodney. Thank you so much.
Rodney Walker I'm...
I love seeing the underdog come up victorious. Brooke Woods' story will inspire you because she overcame several challenges and came up victorious to fulfill her goal of learning grant writing and securing a job in this industry in just a few months. I've placed a table of content below to make it easier for you to skip to the section that interest you most.
Rodney Walker This is Rodney Walker, and I'm so excited today to have a very special guest, actually a grant rising rock star who's coming to us all the way from Arizona. I'm happy to have none other than Brooke Woods. Brooke, welcome today. How are you?
Brooke Woods Hi, everyone. I'm doing well. How are you doing, Rodney?
Rodney Walker I'm doing great. I've been so excited about this opportunity for us to connect because those are some...
I've included direct links to some of the sections to make it easy for you to navigate this page considering its length and valuable information.
Are you ready to get a grant writing internship? Well, if so, get ready for how to land the right grant writing internship. We're so excited that you're here on today and going to be looking at grant writing internships, the ins and outs of it. So who is this for? This is for anyone interested in possibly pursuing a career in grant writing and learning more about the ins and outs of grant writing internships and what that entails....
Happy New Year!
I've got GREAT news for you. Would you like to partner with Grant Central USA?
We are happy to announce the launching of our new and improved affiliate program! We are looking for those who would like to expand the number of products and services they currently offer their clients, to help you become more profitable and increase the value to those you serve.
Our GET FUNDED Store has several products designed to help nonprofits, governmental agencies, and individuals with their grant development, management, and business growth.
If you've ever thought about offering grant writing training but never had the time to do any on your own, we have got you covered with an array of courses you can start offering right away.
This means you would share in the revenues of any product you bring to the attention of someone who decides to purchase it.
In times past we've only partnered with large, well-established capacity building agencies who have sold our products,...
About three years ago, around late winter, I received a call from Laura Stevens*.
She was interested in learning how to write grants to transition into a new career as a grant writer because she had outgrown her current job.
However, she had difficulty finding anyone who would take her underneath their wings to teach her.
Around the same time, I received an email from Melissa Anderson*, who also wanted to become a professional grant writer and start her own business.
She eagerly asked me several questions about what it took to succeed in grant writing and how I got started. I shared my experience, and she sounded like she was going to step out and do it.
I recently had an opportunity to connect with Laura. I was excited to learn that she had left her old job and was doing exceptionally well in her new role as a grant writer for a small nonprofit in the Midwest.
Melissa, on the other hand, was working for the same employer. She was quite frustrated that she had not received a...
I'm amazed at how many organizations are doing grant development by the seat of their pants without any sense of structure. They go after grants in a help-hazardous manner without a grant development calendar and without a sense of which grants they will be applying to that month or the months to come.
Most grant writers underestimate the power of being strategic and highly organized in their grant-seeking efforts, especially those that are new to the field.
However, more seasoned grant writers use being organized to their advantage. There are a number of reasons for this.
1. Being organized saves you tremendous time.
2. It helps you to become more strategic in your efforts which increases your success.
3. It helps you to become more efficient in pursuing the right grants at the right time.
These are just a few reasons why I would strongly recommend you develop a grant development calendar today.
However, those who choose not to will find themselves lagging behind and...
If your organization is going to win the most grant money possible it MUST have a grant development team. PERIOD.
This is a team committed to raising funds through grants that understand the ins and outs of grant development that oversees the consistent execution of a well thought out grant development strategy.
The team doesn’t have to be large, however, it MUST meet on regular bases and have goals that it targeting.
The top officer within your organization should be the leader of this team.
Know more about our grant writing services and contact us.
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