Be Brave, Be Bold, Be Brilliant... Take Charge and Get Funded!
Here's a video blog I did today! The whole transcription is on this page with some additional resources to help you.
Hey, guys, Rodney Walker here and I'm here to address the issue with you of how can you benefit from a grant writing certification? Can you benefit from grant writing certification? And why would it be important? I want to talk to you about this issue.
If you see some of the other videos that I've done on this topic, you know, I've been looking at what a certification is and we've been talking about that from from top to bottom. And I want to share with you some ways that you can do this. But before that, I want to share with you right now, like, how can you benefit? Can you actually benefit from a grant writing certification? And if so, how so?
So come on in. Let's grab a seat and let's talk about this. So we looked at the...
Grant writing for artists is similar yet different from other aspects of applying for grant funding. In this video, I share some information about being an artist and writing grants from this perspective. This lays the groundwork for how to pursue it.
Hey, my friend Rodney Walker here and just doing a little biking and I decided to take a break and talk to you about this whole thing about Grant writing for artists. Now, I know you may be an artist right now, and I don't know what kind of artist you are, even as you kind of hear in the background. I have somebody playing, and in my mind, that person is an artist as well.
But in this particular video, I'm going to be sharing with you some information about being an artist and writing grants as an artist. The first thing I want to kind of address in our time is "Is it worth it? Should you be going at the grants and doing grant writing...
Hey, guys, Rodney Walker here, I want to share with you what is the difference between a grant writing training versus a grant writing certification? This is a question that I get quite often, so I want to address it. What's the difference? Now, when you have a grant writing training, a training is very specific to what you're trying to learn, and it's really training designed to help you to master a certain type of skill. And whatever the skill is, there are different areas of grant writing. There are so many areas in grant writing. And so when you when you're looking at actually doing this, you want to kind of take into consideration, you know, what is the training that I'm looking to go through? What is it going to be providing me? What exactly is it going to be teaching me? And there, like I said, so many different areas. So one is training you to learn a particular skill.
For instance, that skill may be teaching you how to do an effective grant writing budget, or...
Here's a vlog I did today! The entire transcription is on this page with some additional resources to help you. Enjoy!
Hey there, this is Rodney Walker and I will continue our conversation about what does it take to become a certified grant writer? Where do you go about learning this? How do you become one? Well, the good news is this. There are a lot of ways that you can learn how to become a certified grant writer. And I want to share with you some of the different options that you have.
You know, it's good having options. And I want to explain the different options so that you can kind of see which one works the best for you. Now, here's what I want to say to you about that. Whenever you're thinking about choosing any type of learning, you want to ask yourself some really good questions. Yes. You want to ask not only the institution or the individual that you be learning from,...
I've had a grant writing business since 2006. I'm addressing this topic to set the record straight and assist you in making a well-informed decision. Below are the transcriptions from a video talk I did on this matter.
Hey guys, Rodney Walker here and today I wanted to address the question that comes to me quite often, and that is the question of Rodney:
I want to address that question in this video because this is a question that many of my students want to know because they're thinking about getting this skill and then they're...
The road to getting a Grant Writing Certification doesn't have to be hard or confusing. I've made this video transcription easy to navigate by adding a table of content for you.
Hey guys, Rodney Walker here, Grant Central, USA, Grant Writers Association and Get Funded with Rodney. I want to talk to you today because a lot of people come my way and they ask me questions like Rodney, “what is a grant writing certification” and “is it required?” And they ask me questions such as, you know, where do I go to get this and all that?
And I want to make some videos to address some of these questions to make it easy for you to be able to understand this whole thing so that it...
Grant writers are crucial to non-profit organizations. Financial institutions, government agencies, and charitable foundations don’t award grants based on need alone. Your grant writers must speak the language of these organizations and communicate why your non-profit deserves funding.
In a way, your grant writers’ writing ability and convincing power determines whether or not you can secure funding. As such, investing in their skills development is a wise business move for your organization. By helping your grant writers improve, you also increase your chances of securing funding for the causes you pursue.
At Grant Central USA, we offer apprenticeship, coaching, and certification programs to help non-profits upskill their grant writers. Our grant writing training services help you boost your success rate and get the funding you need.
Our Get Funded Inner Circle (GFIC) members can be invited to our apprenticeship and coaching programs....
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