⭐️ Click Here Now To Attend One Of Our Informative FREE Grant Webinars ⭐️

Ready To Start Coaching Organizations To Greater Effectiveness And Efficiency As A Grant Development Systems Coach?

Have you ever thought about which organizations tend to rise to the top in securing the most grant money?

It is often those organizations that have the best systems in place—those who have the best teams and a winning game plan to help them achieve their desired goals. Unfortunately, many organizations do not have a solid strategy to help them win the most grants possible. Most rely on a solo grant writer to haul in the money with little to no guidance and direction. 

This is where becoming a Certified Grant Development Systems Coach can help turn things around so your organization can improve its current grant efforts by 10%, 20%, 50%,100%, and even more!

Here's What You Will Learn...

  • Discover how to assist any organization seeking to win more grants using our patented GET FUNDED Comprehensive Diagnostic Audit
  • Learn how to develop an effective One Year Corrective Action Plan to become fully fit and attractive to public and private funders 
  • Gain advanced grant development insight into ways to establish Superior and Fundable Grant Proposals that are vetted, scored, and invited for submission 
  • See examples of the best way to develop a customized GET FUNDED Relationship Building Campaign for maximum success to increase relational equity
  • Learn the best ways to offer Grant Coaching Sessions To An Agency And Develop A Winning Grant Team and culture to increase funding success
  • Gain a clear understanding of practical ways to have Grant Coaching Sessions With The Board of Directors or Senior Leadership and assist them in understanding their unique roles in winning grants
  • Find out little know secrets and best practices in Grant Management that can increase your future funding by doing what others are not doing
  • And much more!

Our specialized training empowers you as a consultant or as a specialist at your organization to strengthen every aspect of your grant development efforts by identifying and implementing practical action steps to produce superior results. 

✉️ This specialized training is by invitation-only. 

PLEASE NOTE: We carefully screened candidates each year for this elite program. Thus, neither your interest letter, completion of an application, or one-on-one interview guarantees your acceptance. Only officially recognized members will be granted access to this exclusive content.


⭐️ Join our Platinum Membership for more great resources to help you win grants!


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