No worries, you have come to the right place. Maybe you have questions like these:
• How many people should I have on my board?
• Do I have to have a board as a nonprofit?
• Where do I get these board members from?
• Who should I have on my board?
• When should we meet?
• How often should we meet?
• Who runs the meeting?
• How long should our meetings last?
• What should take place in our meeting?
• Can a board member get paid and, if so, how much?
These are just a few of the many questions you will learn the answers to in my Nonprofit Board Resource Package. It is especially for those who know very little about boards, yet, it is packed with so much information that it can also help those familiar with boards.
I Understand Because I was Just Like you… I was clueless
about how this whole board thing was supposed to work
I have been in your shoes before. I wanted to start a nonprofit organization but did not know the first thing about getting a board together. I was lost. I had an ideas about what the board did base on what I had seen from organizations I had worked for.
But because I was not in some of the closed-door meetings to see for myself, it was a big mystery.
So, as you can imagine, when I started my first nonprofit organization, I broke all of the rules, followed some terrible advice, and made many mistakes.
These mistakes cost me money and, more importantly, I wasted a lot of valuable time.
Learning the Wrong Way Isn’t Fun and Can Be Costly
I set up a board based upon some poor advice from a friend who also ran a nonprofit agency.
Good friend, but bad advice.
My friend advised me to get people to be on the board in name only. Well, this sounded good at the time, but this was a big mistake. This is illegal!
But, I did not know because I was starting to figure this thing out. Here is what I did to correct my mistakes: I took the time to learn how nonprofit boards are supposed to work.
I studied and read everything I could get my hands on about nonprofit boards. I talked with numerous board members, attended board meetings, and became a board member myself.
Here is where the costly part comes in: I also studied at Duke University and learned more about Nonprofit Management at the University of Southern California, where I completed a certificate program. I went on to get a Master of Business and Administration in Nonprofit Management from Hope International University.
Since then, I have helped hundreds of nonprofit organizations and their boards with my nonprofit consulting firm.
When I say that I know what a board is NOT supposed to look like and what it IS supposed to look like, know that I am talking from experience and knowledge.
The question is: does your board have back problems or no back at all?
If this is Messed Up, You’ve Got Problems.
There is almost no way to have a bad board and have a great nonprofit organization. It is just like having a headache… We both know if your head hurts, then your whole body hurts. The board is like the head of the organization, and if it is not working well, then we know the organization will not work well for very long.
Does your board face any of these problems?
• Board members are simply unaware of their roles and responsibilities
• Poor attendance at board meetings
• Poorly conducted board meetings
• Lack of board involvement
• Challenge with recruiting good board members
• No board orientation for new board members
• Poor board-to-board relations
• Poor Board-to-Staff relations
• The founder continues to keep a tight grip on the agency
If you face any of these challenges, you have come to the right place. You will benefit from our nonprofit board training package that will help to jumpstart your board. This training and can be the difference between starting the wrong way or the right way. It can be the difference between having a useful board instead of having an underperforming board.
There are several reasons why some boards never become effective boards.
For instance:
1. Some boards never take the time to learn the correct way to function
2. Some boards do not continue to grow and mature, and thus they become stagnant
3. Some boards view investing money into their development as a waste
4. Some boards never take the time to reflect and assess their performance
These types of boards continue to survive barely and never really thrive.
They remain nonprofits that do not live up to their true potential and have little or no impact on their communities. They lag as underperformers.
There is nothing worse than an underperforming board.
“But My Friend Told Me that I Didn’t Want To Have
Board Members Very Involved In MY BUSINESS!”
I hate to be the one to inform you, but your friend told you wrong. Nonprofit organizations that do well and continue to thrive have high performing board members who invest in building a healthy organization.
But wait a minute…
• How are YOU investing in your board?
• Does your board know what they are doing?
• Do you know what you are doing?
• Are your board members guessing what they are supposed to be doing?
• Are your board meetings boring (I’m talking real sleepers)?
• Do you have phantom board members who occasionally drop by but never really help the organization?
If so, you need our Nonprofit Board Resource Package. It helps you solve all of the challenges mentioned above, plus much more.
You get a lot of great information to help you and your board members understand the secrets to develop a useful board. I even provide you with some great assessment tools to evaluate how your board is currently doing.
It is one thing to know something is not working well, but it is another thing to continue to stay in this weak position.
No board member wants to be a part of an underperforming board - I know I don’t - do you?
This is a loaded question, so grab a seat. It is mostly like a person who is reading this information.
Yes, you, especially if you are the founder of the organization or a board member who needs help. It is your responsibility to bring to the attention of the board that it needs help.
The collective board oversees the nonprofit organization as a whole.
When problems and challenges occur (and trust me, they do happen), the board’s responsibility is to fix them and keep the organization going in the right direction.
Fraud, theft, embezzlement, board members working for their self-interest, and other problems can get you placed in jail.
That’s right: JAIL. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
You may be surprised to know that Harvard University put out a report highlighting the wrongdoings of nonprofit officers and directors from 1999-2002.
The criminal cases involved monies totaling $1,279,039,532. It involved organizations with boards and directors with human service agencies, churches, hospitals, foundations, civic and community groups, and more.
Over 74 of the directors involved went to jail.
The nature of their crimes ranged from bribery to misapplication of charitable funds.
A lot of these types of crimes can be prevented if the board is actively involved in fulfilling their responsibilities.
It is worth your time and energy to invest in developing a good board.
But good boards do not just develop out of nowhere: you have to nurture them.
Good boards can keep you from going to jail if they do their job.
However, one of the top reasons why boards go astray is that most board members are unaware of their roles and responsibilities and do not provide adequate management oversight.
Our program helps you develop board members who will be aware of their roles and responsibilities.
Surprise… Most Nonprofit Organization and their Boards Are Operating Illegally!
I work with many nonprofit organizations as a nonprofit management consultant, and in most cases, nonprofits are operating their boards and nonprofits illegally.
Yes, it is true.
You see, most board members are not even aware of how the organization said it would operate legally.
Most have not read their bylaws. Many have outdated bylaws that are more like mini novels (too long for any sane person to read through).
My program shares how to correct this and give practical advice to assist your organization and make sure it operates legally.
Discover How to Get the Right People on Your Board -
The Ones Who Don’t Want To Give You a Headache
I know what you are saying, “Yes, I want to have a good board with the right people, but I do not want them to get on my nerves and give me a headache!” You must learn the best way to recruit the right people to serve on your board, and my program shows you the best way to recruit and orient your board members. In the workbook, you will get step-by-step directions to show you what you need to do.
Build your nonprofit board’s capacity by providing them with a solid understanding of their roles and responsibilities.
Our Nonprofit Board Development Resource Package will help you strengthen your board of directors for short and long-term organizational effectiveness.
You will learn:
1. The Roles and Responsibilities of the Nonprofit Board
2. The Role and Responsibilities of Executive Director
3. How the Executive Director and Board should relate
4. How to conduct effective Nonprofit Board Recruitment & Orientation
5. The best practices in running board meetings and committee meetings
This practical and insightful training is developed and taught by Rodney Walker of Grant Central USA.
Here is what you get to strengthen your nonprofit board:
Bonus Board Development Materials
• 1 Set of Nonprofit Board Self Evaluation Forms
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