Hello there, grant writers and would be grant writers
Rodney Walker here with the Grant Writing Today show.
And I'm excited.
Yes, we are still in pre-show
mode. The show hasn't actually launched.
And I just want to get a chance to hang out
with you a little bit before the show actually launches.
And I want to share with you, as I've done
already in the previous show, why Grant Writing Today, but
in today's time together, I just want to share with
you a little bit more about my hopes for the
show. My hopes for you with this show and what
I'm hoping that this show will do for you.
I'm hoping that as you get a chance to hear some
of these grant professionals that I may be bringing to you
every week, I'm hoping that it is going to encourage you
that if you're not already in the industry, whether or not
this is something that you should do or not.
So I'm really hoping, in essence,
that you will get great clarity.
I'm hoping that it will be so crystal clear that
as you listen to some of these grant professionals and
some of these grant makers, those who are giving out
the monies, I'm hoping that you will hear whether or
not you should be in this industry.
And I'm also hoping that as you listen to the show,
if you say, "Hey, I'm supposed to be in this industry."
I'm hoping that it will give you an additional boost to
really dive in and to become a part of the community.
I'm hoping that it will be for you what I did
not have when I was first breaking into grant writing.
And that is somebody to literally kind of hold
me by the hand and guide me into this
area that I was completely unaware of.
In fact, I going to take some time and
share with you my story, not in today's bonus
materials, but I'm going to be sharing that with
you possibly in the next segment.
And so if you're here right now, and evidently you
are here because you're hearing what I'm saying, if you
look down, you should see the next session where I'm
going to be sharing with you how I fell into
grant writing and how you can, too.
I'm going to share just a bit of my story.
But I just want you to know
that this show is really for you.
And I'm thinking about you even
as we're crafting the show.
I'm thinking about what are those things that
really would have been valuable to me, like
when I was first starting now, what would
have really been a difference maker for me?
And those are the exact things that as we look to
do the show that I'm thinking about to say, "Hey, how
can I bring this to my new friend here who may
not know these things or if you've been in the profession
for a while and yes, you've been around this corner a
few times, but there are some new tricks of the trade
that you can benefit from."
Now, I'm an avid reader, and I'm
really consumed with growing and really becoming
better, really becoming better every single day.
And so with that being said, I'm
continually reading, continuously growing, continually getting new
information, some of that information that I'm
getting and things that I'm seeing.
And really, I like to look to see
where are things headed for the future.
And with that being said, I'm looking at it and
saying, how can I bring that to you so that
you won't be left behind when the future is here,
that you won't be scratching your head saying, "Hey, I
didn't know that was going to happen."
I want you, my friend, to know
here's what's coming around the corner.
And Rodney has helped me to be prepared for it
because he shared it here on Grant Writing Today.
That's another hope that I have for you as
we get ready to embark upon this show.
Now, I need your help.
Yes, I do. You like you?
Yes, I need your help.
Here's how I need your help.
I need your help to understand more about what I
should be bringing to the table for this show.
You have ideas, you have questions, you have thoughts
of things that you want to hear more of.
And I'm even thinking about doing a segment of
the show called Asked Rodney so that you can
get some of your specific questions answered.
Because I have a number of you that ask me questions.
And sometimes truthfully, I'm going so fast that
I don't get an opportunity to answer as
many of them as I would like to.
And I'm thinking that this may be a great
space to do some of that as well.
Why don't you let me know, drop me a line and let
me know if that would be something that would be worthwhile for
me to do and I'll make sure that I do it.
I want you to know that this is going
to be a place where you can grow.
So that's my hope for you for this show.
And I'm hoping that you'll tune in.
I'm really hoping that you'll be avid listener to
the show and that you'll be a subscriber and
not just a subscriber and an avid listener.
Who knows, you may even be on the show.
Wouldn't that be cool?
So we get a chance to hear your perspective on some
of the things that you have to bring to the table
as we get ready to go down this road.
So with that being said, my friend,
I want you to stay tuned.
Not even just stay tuned.
Listen below, because I'm going to be sharing
with you how I fell into Grant writing.
And who knows, you may be tripping with me,
or maybe you've already fallen and tripped with me
and fell into this occupation as well.
It is a great career.
I'm going to be sharing with you a little bit more.
Why and how that happened to me on the next episode.
So with that being said, I
keep saying with that being said.
With that being said, my friend, I'm out of here.
And remember be brave. Be bold. Be brilliant.
Take charge and I'll talk to you soon.