Well, hello there, grant professionals
and would be grant professionals.
Rodney Walker here, and I'm excited to
come to you on today.
Now, this is not the actual episode.
This is just us getting a chance
to know each other a little bit.
It better before the episodes start.
The episode is going to be starting really soon, but
I want to give you a little teaser and kind
of give you an idea of what the show is
going to be about a little bit more.
And I kind of want to come to you and
get a chance to chat with you some and share
more with you about why the Grant Writing Today show.
Now, there are some fabulous shows
out here connected with grant writing.
And I got friends that are already doing some
in the industry, and they got some great shows.
"So why another grant writing show, Rodney?"
I'm going to tell you
why the Grant Writing Today show.
And I want to share this with you because I want you
to get an idea of why this is happening and kind of
share with you why I'm hoping that you'll tune in and lend
some of your attention to this show, because there are some things
that we're going to be focusing in on.
And there are a lot of trends of
things that are happening in the industry.
And I want you to be aware of
those trends so that you won't be left
out and wondering, "Hey, what happened over here?"
Some things shift and you are left
on the other side of the fence.
I don't want you on the other side of the fence.
I want you on the right side of the fence.
And that's why this show is coming into fruition.
Another reason why this show is coming about is because with so
many changes going on, you need to be able to dial in,
but you also need to be able to hear what some of
the top minds in the industry what are they saying?
Now, here's another thing that's going to be important.
Not only top minds in the industry, but
there are some other industries that are not
grant industries or grant writing industries.
However, some of the insight from those
industries can be pulled into this.
And it's important for us to know what
those are because I see so many changes
and I'm talking to so many grant professionals.
And when I start mentioning certain things,
they have this little stare on their
face like, what are you talking about?
And I don't want you to be one of those.
So with that being said, my friend, that's
another reason why we're doing the show.
And I'm hoping that you'll tune in.
And I know that if you'll lend some of
your time and attention to what we're going to
be talking about on these various episodes.
And unlike the Get Funded With Rodney show,
this show is going to have opportunities for
guests to come in, such as funders.
It's also going to have guest people that or
I'm going to be interviewing other grant professionals, other grant
writers, and they have some insight that I think
will be very valuable for you.
So I want to bring those to you, and then in
addition to that, there are things that are happening every single
day as it relates to grant and grant writing.
And I want to bring those and compile those for you.
And I want to talk to you
about those each time we come together.
So we're not simply talking about grant writing in the
sense that this is how you write a grant.
There's so much that I have for you in that
area that I can point you to over at Grant
Central USA, and you can learn all about that.
And there's so many other places that
you can learn about actual grant writing.
However, in terms of knowing the shifts and changes
that are going on in the industry, we've got
to carve out some specials based for that.
And that's what I'm hoping that this show will also be.
In addition to that, there are a few other things
that this show is really going to be centered on.
It's really centered on helping you to
start thinking like a grant professional.
And that's going to require a shift to take
place if you haven't been used to thinking in
these terms, because when you come into this industry,
first you got to become familiar with the lingo,
the language of this particular industry.
But also there are best practices that you
need to start adapting and then go practice
them, go try them on for size.
And that's where when you hear from these other
professionals and other people that are decision makers, the
ones that are giving out the money, others that
have been very successful in getting the money, you
get their insight, and you begin to use that
and leverage that for your advantage.
And I'm hoping that this is another thing that
the show will be able to do for you.
This show is going to be a little bit more
mellow out than the Get Funded With Rodney show.
Now, you go to that show,
you're going to get some energy.
I'm letting you know right now that that's a show
that's going to be packed with energy, and this show
is going to have some energy as well, but it's
going to be a little bit more laid back.
We're going to be more relaxed, getting a chance
to kind of hang out and talk to others
and get their input into the discussion.
So I'm hoping that you will subscribe.
If you haven't already subscribed, I would
encourage you right now, just go ahead
and hit that subscribe button.
And I look forward to hanging out with you each
week, bring you some more information to help you get
a chance to grow as a grant professional.
Now, in addition to sharing with you the why
about this show, I'm going to also share with
you next a little bit more about my hopes
for you as it relates to the show.
I've shared with you some now, but I'm going to
share with you a little bit more about that and
then in some other bonus information I'm going to be
given as we kind of start off in this whole
world of the Grant Writing Today show, I'm going to
also share a little bit more information about how I
fell into writing grants and how you can too.
So stay tuned for those little segments.
In fact, don't even stay tuned.
They are already right below.
So go and check out some of those right now
and then look forward to our actual launching of the
show, which is going to be happening real soon.
That date is right around the corner.
So stay tuned and listen in and I'll be seeing you
real soon until we get a chance to hang out again.
My friend, I want to thank you for some of
your time and remember be brave, be bold, be brilliant.
Take charge and I'll see you soon.