You're tuned into the Grant
Business Show with Rodney Walker.
Hello, and welcome to the Grant Business Show.
I'm your host, Rodney Walker.
Happy to have you for another episode.
We're gonna have a great time on the day, and
I'm going to share with you some winning advice.
Remember, this show is especially for grant
business owners or those of you who
are seeking to start a grant business.
And if you're seeking to, you get a
chance to learn from some of my mistakes
so that you don't have to make them.
And the beautiful thing is, if you already have a
business, I'm going to be lifting the hood and looking
at those areas that need to be fixed so that
you can tighten up your game so that you can
get more of the business that you deserve.
Some of you right now are dealing
with clients that you don't even like.
And I want to let you know something today.
I like you.
I know you're saying, "Rodney, you don't
even know me." But that don't matter. I like you. Okay.
You're here.
That's one of the reasons I like you, because
you are here on the day, and I want
to share some information to help you today.
I'm going to be sharing with
you about that fourth fallacy.
Now, if you didn't get a chance to listen to
the early episode that talked about the five fallacies that
grant business owners have that keep them from growing, go
back and listen to all five of those.
I'm only today going to be addressing the fourth one.
And the fourth one is that many believe that
if they know how to write a good grant,
that they will get a lot of business.
I had that fallacy in my mind when I first started out.
I had to get rid of that real quick, because
if you don't get rid of it, you'll go hungry.
And I don't want you going hungry.
So here's what we're going to do.
We're going to get rid of that fallacy.
We're going to bust that fallacy.
And here's what you got to know. First,
you have got to know how to can you guess? Yes.
You've got to know how to present yourself and your
offer, or at least have someone else that can present
that offer for you, somebody on your team.
But you got to know how to present yourself.
And if you don't, it's a recipe for disaster.
And there are a lot of grant professionals
that don't know how to present themselves.
They don't have a web presence.
They don't even know how to take
advantage of some of the free opportunities.
And I said free.
Yes, F - R - E - E opportunities to have a
web presence and to maximize those.
So if we don't have either one of those,
that equals loss, and we've got to fix those.
There's so many places where you
can have a web presence.
Let me give you an example, what I'm talking about.
I'm saying even a simple free website or web
profile on something like a LinkedIn that has been
optimized can help to bring your business.
But all too often, many grant professionals don't take
full advantage of those things that are free.
And I don't want you, my friend, to be one of those.
The other thing that you've got to realize that is busting
that fallcy that I talked about, about thinking that, hey, simply
as long as I know how to write a good grant,
then I'm going to have a lot of business.
No, we got to get rid of that.
The second thing is this.
You must know how to sell and close the deal.
Some of you have offers that
are coming your way right now.
The only problem is there aren't.
The offers that you want are those offers that
do come your way that you do want.
You end up under pricing yourself, or you end
up not knowing how to close the deal.
So it's like lingering.
And guess what happens when it lingers?
It lingers off and the wind comes and blows
it away to somebody else who knows how to
close the deal and knows how to present themselves.
So we got to go to work in this area.
We got to fine tune that area.
We got to fix that area so that
you can get that business that you deserve.
The third thing that we've got to look at
is that you must know how to market.
Now, this is an Achilles' heels for
many, many grant professionals, they know
how to write the grant.
They know how to do great research.
But when it comes down to
the marketing aspect, they don't know.
And what I'm talking about, when I say
marketing, I mean, being able to attract clients,
the right clients, those that you really want.
Now, here's the thing.
How can you attract the right clients when you
haven't even thought about who your ideal client is?
I know.
So what happens?
You attract whatever comes your way.
And I don't want you, my friend, to just
have to deal with whatever comes your way.
And that's why I'm doing a show right now.
I'm doing the show because I want to help you to
think through some of these things that we've got to fix
so that you can get the business that you want.
When you begin to identify who is that ideal client
that I'm seeking, then you, my friend, are able to
laser beam focus on that client and say Adios to
everybody else with a smile on your face and you
can point them to somebody else.
It's a great feeling.
And then you start attracting those type
of clients that you really want.
In fact, if you know, hey, I
don't want cheap clients, send them away.
But some of you, since you haven't defined what
you want and haven't done a good job yet
of learning how to market and learn how to
sell and close the deal you're getting and having
to deal with what you are dealing with.
Now, here's a few things you want to know.
Who is your ideal client?
What industry?
What is their annual gross
revenue for that organization?
Where are they?
Where do those clients that you're
seeking, where are they hiding?
Where are they residing?
Where are they gathering that you can
make yourself present there as well?
You see, we got to know these things in order
to be able to go after that target audience.
That's what we got to do.
And when we do that, well, things begin
to turn around and things begin to change.
Now, here's the beautiful thing about
everything I've been talking about.
Everything I've been talking about,
my friend, is fixable.
So if you're hearing me right now, you
said, "Rodney, I'm seeing all these holes.
I'm seeing all these leaks."
The good news is that you are at least one step closer
to being able to fix things, because now you are aware.
Now you're consciously aware of what the problem is.
There's a lot of grant writers, they
don't even know what the problem is.
There are a lot of grant businesses they
don't even know, hey, what's the issue?
They're scratching their heads.
But you my friend, thankfully, you've come and you start
dialing into the show and hopefully, if you haven't already,
hopefully you've subscribed to the show because I have even
more information that's going to help you.
You're going to be able to go back to some of
those early episodes and listen and some great information that's going
to be able to help you to win even more.
So do yourself a favor, make sure you subscribe, go
to some of those other shows, listen to them, and
I look forward to sharing more information with you.
Now here's what I want you to know.
If you haven't already, make sure that
you come and hang out with us.
We have this year, I am helping literally
ten businesses or more grant businesses to scale
up to at least six figures this year.
You may be one of them. I don't know.
Go over to, check out the link
that says coaching and look at the VIP program.
It is a dynamic program that
is an eight week intensive.
That is a one year program.
You get a chance to hang out with me
and the other students and learn and grow together.
You don't have to go at this alone.
You don't have to try to figure out
all of this marketing because guess what?
I've already done a lot of that and I've helped a
lot of other people to be successful in doing that.
If you haven't already seen, go
over to YouTube and check out
our YouTube channel, The Channel.
And when you go over there, you'll get a chance to see
some links where it says she did it or he did it.
Listen to some of the stories here's.
Some of the success that we've been able to help
in terms of helping people to secure grant funding as
well as to grow their business I never will forget
I had some people come in they couldn't even listen.
They didn't know how to sell at all.
We started working with them and
training them and guess what?
They turned into sales pros.
They also learned how to do the marketing.
The big thing that's also often missing is that
the confidence has to grow and so when we
work with you we help you to turn the
confidence corner to going from unconfident to being confident.
When we do that, my friend, everything changed.
So I want to encourage you today to be brave,
to be bold, to be brilliant and to take charge.
And remember on my next episode I'm going
to be sharing with you why every grant
business owner should take sales and marketing training.
You need it.
Yes, you need it.
It's evident that you need it.
We're going to help you make sure that you tune in and
if you found this helpful leave a review, leave a like and
share it with a friend and make sure you come back.
We're going to have a great time.
I believe in you and like I
told you last time, I like you. Why?
Because you came in, you listened to the show and
I believe great things are going to happen to you
and your business until we meet again, my friend.
Be brave, be bold, be brilliant and take charge.
See you next time.