You're tuned into the
Grant Business Show with Rodney Walker.
Well, hello, and welcome to the Grant Business Show.
I'm your host, Rodney Walker, and I am
happy to have you here for this episode.
We're gonna have a good time.
And I've got some great information for you.
You're tuned into the show that
is 100% dedicated to one thing.
Yes, you and growing your grant business.
Even if you don't have a grant business, even if
you're in the first phases of starting a grant business
or even considering if this is something that you should
do, you tuned in to the right place.
I'm going to be sharing with you some information
to help you grow your business, even if you
are new or if you've been doing this for
a while, we tend to have blind spots.
Have you ever been driving down the road and
maybe look in your rear view mirror and it
looked as if there was nothing there?
There's not a car coming.
But as soon as you start pulling over into that
Lane, you hear somebody "iiinkK" that's a sign for you
to get out of the way because you miss the
obvious, which was a car that was there, but you
didn't see it in your rearview mirror?
Well, it's kind of the same way with business.
We need people information and insight to help point
out some of those blind spots so that we
won't make some mistakes that we're likely to make
if we don't have it otherwise.
And on today's show, I'm going to be sharing
with you five fallacies that grant business owners make
when basically these mistakes keep them from growing.
And I don't want you not to grow.
I want to see you grow, and
I want to see your business grow.
So that's why I'm glad that you're here.
So let's get ready to dial on in and let's
hear some of these five pieces that you want to
ask yourself, am I making any of these fallacies?
Do I have these fallacies as my thoughts or as
my belief system that is wrong and ask yourself that.
No, on my end, I'm not judging you.
This is a safe place.
Guess, my friend, this is a safe place for you to
lift up the hood and let someone else look in it
with you to see what needs to be fixed.
And so we're going to do that on today.
And I want you to think about this first.
Here's the first mistake.
I'm just going to go ahead and
give you this fallacy right now.
And this first fallacy is that they're grant business owners
that make this, and they believe that if they price
themselves cheaply that they will get more business.
You made that mistake.
Yes, it's a fallacy.
I just priced myself. Lord, no. Enough.
Everybody is going to come to me.
No, it doesn't happen.
In fact, what happens?
The wrong people come knocking on your door. Yes.
Those that are cheap.
And next thing you know, you have a whole room full of
cheap people asking you to do a lot of grant writing.
And you're frustrated now because you're
doing grant writing for all these
cheapholes and they're ruining your life.
And I don't want them to ruin your life.
That's why we got to get rid of this policy
and not make it and start pricing ourselves in such
a way that's going to be advantageous for us.
The second fallacy and I don't have time today,
guys, to go into how to fix these fallacies.
I'm going to go into more depth in some of
our later episodes, but I just want to give you
these five so that you can examine yourself.
The second one is that they believe that if they
have a website, that people will just find them.
And the reason I'm laughing is because
I made this mistake as well.
When I first started out, I was
like, right, I'm on the web.
Hey, I'm on the World Wide Web.
They're going to just find me and just come
knock it on my door, and I'm just going
to start getting business as a result.
No, it does not work that way, my friend.
You got to do more than simply have a pretty website.
Thirdly, a third fallacy is that they believe that
they must work alone instead of having a team.
I hear you.
You're like right now, but I can't afford a team.
See, you're thinking it's going wrong right now,
you're going into that lane, another blind spot.
You see, we think that we've got to
work alone, and that's a mistake, my friend.
There are so many different people that
you can bring onto your team.
Some you will have to pay.
In fact, most you will have to pay, but
there are some others that you won't have to
pay that you should definitely have on your team
to be able to bounce ideas off of.
And we want to look at
that and seriously consider that.
Let me go ahead and push forward
and tell you about the fourth mistake.
The fourth fallacy is that these grant business owners believe
that if they know how to write a good grant,
it will give them a lot of business.
I'm a good grant writer, Rodney
Why is my grant business growing?
Well, there are a lot of other factors that go into
you being successful as a grant business owner that goes well
beyond just being able to write a good grant.
In fact, some of the best grant writers are
some of the ones that don't have any business
and are scratching their heads like, Rodney
I'm the best at what I do,
but I can't get any business.
It's because most likely, my friend, you
have this fallacy in your mind running
around thinking that you should be getting
business because you're a good grant writer.
And I know people that are inferior in
their grant writing efforts, and they have way
more business than those that are much better.
The reason is that they've learned something
about business that you don't know.
And it's imperative for you if you really
want to grow your business, to put on
a new hat and to do things differently.
Now let me give you this fifth one.
They believe that they can be a good business
owner without knowing how to sell and do marketing.
If this is not a big fallacy,
I don't know what is.
This is probably the largest one because, my
friend, many think that they can just take
walk themselves into business and you cannot.
You've got to learn how to do sales.
And even if you hate doing sales, you've got
to learn how to love doing sales, because if
you don't, you're going to be hungry.
And I don't want to see you hungry, my friend.
You've got to learn how to sell and
you've got to learn how to market.
And I know it's almost like Santa curse word over here.
Yes, because you've got to know how
to attract people to your business.
Otherwise, you're going to be on your lonesome
island by your lonesome self, and you won't
get the business that you deserve.
And I don't want that to be your story.
So that's why I'm giving you these
five fallacies, so that we can start
fixing these fallacies, eliminating these fallacies and
replacing them with accurate information.
So part of what I'm encouraging you to do, my
friend, is to start thinking accurately about your business.
And as soon as we can get you to think
accurately about your business and yourself and what needs to
be improved and what needs to be fixed, the sooner
we can help you and your business to grow.
Now, I don't have much time on today's show
to go into more detail about each of these
five fallacies, but here's what I'm going to do.
I'm going to share with you in our next five episodes.
I'm going to deal with each of these fallacies, and I'm
going to be sharing with you a little bit more information
about how to fix some of this so that we can
turn the corner and help your business to grow.
Now, if you haven't already, I'm going to encourage you
also to come to a Fuller webinar that I have.
It's a training call, Six Figure Grant Business.
And if you're interested in growing your business and making
it a six figure grant business, I want to encourage
you to go to and join me for
a training that I'll be having on today that can
help you to turn things around.
I'm going to go into more detail about
some of what I've shared today, and you
can start fixing some of what you have.
And I want to let you know that we
have a cohort of people that are hanging out
and we're getting together and this year I'm going
to help at least ten businesses to grow to
become six figure businesses, six figure grant businesses.
And if you, my friend, believe that you should be one of
those, I want to invite you to reach out to me, reach
out to my team and I and what we'll do is we'll
schedule a time to connect with you to find out if what
we have is a great fit for you or not.
Now, I'll be honest with you,
I do not work with everybody.
Yes, I'm picky.
I'll say that I'm picky.
But if you think this is the right
fit for you, reach out to us.
It may be a good fit and
I look forward to connecting with you.
You can reach out to my team and
I over at and we'll connect with you.
We look forward to hanging out with you and my
friend, I want you to remember be brave, be bold,
be brilliant and I want you to take charge.
I'll see you on the next episode
where I'll be sharing more information about why
pricing your business cheaply is a big mistake.
I'll see you soon.
Have a great day and thank you for listening.