You're tuned into the Grant
Business show with Rodney Walker.
Well, hello and welcome to the Grant Business show.
I'm your host, Rodney Walker.
Thank you for hanging out with me again.
I appreciate it.
I'm glad that you're here because if you
were not hear, where would you be?
I don't know.
And where would I be?
Well, you get my point.
My point is I'm glad that you are
taking the time to listen to today's show.
And I'm hoping that as you listen, that at least
one thing will be said that will help you to
move forward the needle in your grant business.
You may be saying Rodney, I
don't even have a grant business yet.
I'm thinking about doing one. Well, great.
I'm hoping that at least one thing will be said that
will help you to make a decision about whether or not
this is the right thing for you to do.
And I'm going to be sharing with you in this
episode how to use the grant business show to your
advantage and how to use it, what you should be
doing each time you come to the show.
Now when you buy different equipment, they give
you an owner's manual to share with you
how to use the equipment that you have.
And you got to consider this
episode kind of like that owner's manual.
I'm going to be sharing with you some things
that I think if you do, it'll help you
to get the most out of this show.
Now, we all know we have computers and we
don't know how to do everything on the computer.
We don't know every single part of it.
But if you can get the major essential elements,
then you can take advantage of that computer.
And in that same way, you
can take advantage of this show.
If you take down some of the essential things
I'm going to be providing you in this show.
Now when I was first starting out with this whole
grand thing, especially a grant business, that was one thing
that I didn't realize how important it was.
But after having worked with numerous consulting clients that
are grant professionals and working with them and seeing
different ones in different scenarios, I discovered that there
was one humongous thing that was a determining factor
in their success or lack thereof.
And I'm going to be sharing that with you.
Can you guess what that is?
It's one major thing.
Now, there are a lot of different
elements that help to make a successful
business, but this one thing is humongous. Okay.
And I'm going to tell you before the show is
over, I'm going to tell you exactly what that is.
Now let's dive into that first part
that I was telling you about.
I was telling you that I was going to
share with you how to use this show.
The first thing that I'm going to encourage you to
do in terms of using this show every time we
come together, I'm going to be sharing with you some
of my experiences, some of my stories, and I'm hoping
that you will find yourself in some of those stories.
For instance, when I was first starting out,
not knowing how to go about attracting clients,
I was making all the wrong mistakes.
And I'm hoping that as I share some of
those stories, that you will have a notebook handy.
So my first encouragement to you is to get a Journal.
If you don't have a Journal, go get one, okay.
Or start a page inside of your notes
where you take notes from every single show.
Because if you'll do so and if you write
it down, I know you say, okay, I just
want to listen, I got a good memory. Okay.
Good luck with the memory thing. Okay.
But I'm going to encourage you to take notes because
if you will, something will be said that if you'll
take that note and then go about taking action.
Yes, action on that one bit of advice, you
will be using the show to your advantage.
Another thing that the show will be doing,
it will help you to examine yourself.
So I'm going to hold a mirror up to
you because I'm going to be revealing a lot
of truth about things that need to be fixed.
Leaks that's keeping money from actually staying in
your house or coming into your grant business.
So we're going to fix leaks.
So as I talk about different things, what I
want you to do is to take that knowledge
and say, oh, I have this leak.
For instance, if you know that you've never taken
a marketing class and you need to take some
marketing classes, well, that's fixing a leak.
Hopefully you'll take note of it.
And we'll probably go out and look at some videos
on YouTube or take some formalized classes online or take
some of the many classes that we have.
We have a lot of classes inside of our
library over at Grant Central USA. In the Get Funded Inner Circle,
If you go to, you can see
some of the resources that we have for you
that can help you to learn about marketing.
But I'm encouraging you to use
this show to identify those areas.
I'm going to be pointing out some of those blind spots
that you have that you may be overlooking right now.
So use this show as your mirror.
Use it as that little second mirror that you
have when you look on that rear view mirror,
that little small mirror that can show you all
those cars, that car you almost hit.
Use this show for that.
And my friend, you'll be the better for it.
Because now we can fix those blind spots.
Now let me tell you that big, big blind spot that
I was not aware of, that I want you to be
aware of right now so that you can actually go to
work on and start improving, because if you will fix this
area, my friend, if you will fix this leak, I guarantee
you that you will be more successful with your grant business.
So what is that big thing, Rodney?
Have you guessed it yet? Okay.
Is it the business plan?
The business plan is important, but
not that having a game plan.
Yes, that is important, too, but not that networking.
Yes, networking is important, but it's not.
That what it is, my friend, that I found
that's been the biggest deterrent for grant business success
or any business success with any individual is this
thing that begins with the letter C.
In fact, we can call it SC self confidence.
Yes, that's it.
Self confidence.
You're going to be encountering some things as you
do business that's going to try to discourage you.
And you've got to go to work on your
self confidence and get it where it needs to
be so that when those challenges come your way,
you're able to stand strong and keep moving forward.
That may mean you need to get in the circle of
other people to help to strengthen that and to encourage you
in that and not go at this thing alone.
Get off the island.
Why would you want to do this on an island?
It's not fun and it's not going to help you.
So I'm going to encourage you not to go
that route, but to go the route of doing
what's going to be in your best interest.
And that is growing your confidence.
You grow your confidence as you begin to take steps
and you begin to have success in different things.
You grow your confidence by having little
victories that you continue to build upon.
You grow your confidence by reminding yourself who you
really are and overcoming the doubt by replacing that
doubt with a new message that says you can
do it and reading books and materials that will
help to undergird the truth about who you really
are and what you really can accomplish.
Now I know you might be saying, Rodney, come
on, give me the other stuff that really helps,
but don't get faked out, my friend.
A lot of times we think it's the other stuff.
But if we get our confidence in shape and
we get it where it needs to be, all
the other stuff can quickly and easily be learned.
So we want to fix this.
We want to go to work on this.
And I don't want you to overlook that.
I'm going to be sharing with you some things
that you can do to help grow your confidence.
And some of our episodes coming up real soon.
But if you haven't already, I
want to encourage you right now.
Go ahead and subscribe.
And then don't forget, we have other shows
that address other things, such as grant writing.
So if you're looking for more information on
grant writing, go over to
A lot of cool episodes for that and
then if you need more inspiration and insight,
check out our show.
It's a high energy show that I believe that
you will find great value in as well.
On our next episode, I'm going to be sharing with you
who should be listening to this show and I'm also going
to be sharing with you some things that are coming down
the pipeline that you don't want to miss, my friend.
I believe in you.
I'm doing this show because I believe in you.
I want to see you win.
I know you can win and I know you will win.
We're going to get there together. Okay?
So be brave, be bold, be brilliant and take charge.
I'll see you next time.