Certified Training Licensing Program

Joining a winning team with a proven track record of helping organizations and individuals Get Funded

Interested In Earning $130,000 Annual Income Training Just One Day Per Week?

Grant  Central USA is offering certified training licenses for 2020 to suitable training partner organizations and individuals throughout the United States. If you would like to secure a geographical area with exclusive delivery rights then this is an ideal opportunity.

You are not limited to training just one day per week, of course - it’s up to you how much you deliver and you can have numerous trainers if you desire. The marketplace is highly interested in learning proven ways to raise revenue to increase their bottom line, especially nonprofits, governmental agencies, educational institutions, and faith-based organizations seeking grant funding.

We are excited to announce on March 25, 2020, we will officially start our Licensing Pilot-Program for our Grant Money Magnet™️ and Grant Writing That Gets Funded™️ training. As a licensee, you will be able to deliver both of these one and two-day trainings to the public and private sector on an exclusive basis across your area. You will also benefit from all the rights and privileges enjoy by our Get Funded Advisors™️.  

These programs build on the extensive work we have done since 2006 of empowering organizations and individuals throughout the United States to learn how to secure maximum grant funding for their agencies.

Grant Central USA will partner with a few elite grant professionals, trainers, and organizations to continue offering in-person and online courses as today's premier grant training providers. 

As part of our comprehensive licensee support package, we will train you (and your staff) to deliver these workshops. We will provide all training materials, offer marketing assistance, and arrange ongoing support through the network of certified licensees.

More information, including details on the 10 exclusive areas available are detailed below. Learn about the 5 free bonuses for 2020 licensees upon completing the one-page application form if you wish to join our team. Completed applications must be returned by Thursday, Jan 30, 2020. You can also apply for our affiliate program which pays a commission on select programs, products, and services.

If you have any questions, call Christine at 1-888-293-0284.   

All the best,

Rodney Walker

President of Grant Central USA


Application Deadline: January 30, 2020

This opportunity is officially closed. To join the waiting list for the next wave of applicants, contact us at [email protected].