6 Figure Grant Writing Business


5 Secret Keys To Getting Paid What You're Worth In Your Grant Writing Business

TaughtĀ by Rodney Walker, Master Grant Acquisition Specialist and President ofĀ Grant Central USAĀ with 20 + Years of experience.









You’ve started your own grant writing business... BRAVO! There’s one BIG PROBLEM...


Problem #2… You’re UNDERCHARGING, only getting $50 - $100 an hour!

Problem #3, You’re CLUELESS about what you need to do to fix this!

Sound familiar?

If you’re like the other 80% of grant writing business owners,

YOU’RE STRUGGLING without an effective business plan and don’t know how to market.

Is there any wonder why your business isn’t growing?

We both know this SECRETLY keeps you up at night as you wonder where your next client will come from and as you cling to the few clients you have who are grossly UNDERPAYING YOU.

Isn’t it time you start GETTING PAID what you’re worth with your grant writing business?

You are raising thousands and even millions of dollars for various organizations, but your compensation doesn’t reflect this. Hold it… something is WRONG!

You haven’t discovered THE SECRETS to getting paid and having the right clients, pay you the right amount, at the right time… yes, without having to chase them down for your payment.

Consider this…

  • Did you know you can have prospective clients standing in line to have you write their grant proposals?
  • Did you know a few grant writers have more clients than they can handle on their own and have to farm out their services just to keep up?
  • Did you know most grant writers are horrible at promoting their business and petrified at the thought of marketing?

Maybe you’re just like I was when I was trying to figure out where my next client would come from.

Or maybe you’re at the point of getting ready to throw in the towel and go back to a full-time job, which you dread.

Before you do this, be sure to attend the 6 Figure Grant Business Webinar where I will share with you the 5 Secret Keys To Getting Paid What You're Worth in Your Grant Business!

Here's what I'll be covering in the webinar:

  • Discover why most grant writing businesses NEVER earn the type of money they want and the things you can do now to fix this problem before it becomes even worse. 
  • Learn what 1% of grant businesses earning 6 and 7 figures do 500 times better than those who are struggling just to keep the lights on and what you can do now to become like those winning at the top.
  • Gain insight into the common mistakes repeatedly made by most grant businesses that are the slow "Kiss of Death" if left untreated. Fix this and go to the front of the line... leave this untreated... go to the back of the line and possibly get sent home hungry!
  • Find out how to use the 5 secret keys to getting paid what you're worth and how to immediately start putting them to work for your advantage even if your business is brand new or old.

This webinar is a real game-changer and the answer you have most likely been seeking!

Go ahead and sign-up NOW! You'll be glad you did and your wallet will thank you later.

"Rodney is one of the industry leaders I admire the most in the grant writing business. He is not only extremely knowledgeable about grants but also extremely skilled in assisting business owners like myself in finding new, low-cost ways to advertise and market our services. Just one tip from him in 2008 allowed me to double my consulting business revenues."

John Drew, PhD
Managing Director

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